You must be an account administrator to add/edit Notification Rules.

Now that you have registered and are sending data to the StationCAD servers you can begin to configure what notifications will be available for your users to receive.  Before your users can receive dispatch notifications you must create a default Dispatch Notification Rule.

Start by clicking on the "Configuration" tab of your organization's Dashboard and select "Notification Rules".

Click the "Add New Rule" button.  You will be presented with a popup form that will allow you to create your first Notification Rule.

The following fields are configurable:

  • Event Type: This is the type of message received by your communications center. (Dispatch, Update, Clear, etc)
  • Type Code: This is the parent Type Code of incident /event. You may select to apply the rule to all Type Codes or to a single Type Code. Choose a Type Code will populate the Sub Type Code list with available Sub Type Codes for the chosen parent (Fire, EMS, Police, etc). Select '*'
  • Sub Type Code: This is the child Type Code of incident /event and relates directly to the Type Code.After choosing a Type Code, this list will populate with Sub Type Codes available for the chosen Type Code.(Dispatch, Update, Clear, etc)
  • Cut-off Duration: This allows you to manage how duplicate/additional incident/event messages from you communications center are handled. The Cut-off Duration is added to the date/time that the first message was recieved. If the current date/time falls prior to the end of the Cut-off Duration additional notificatiions will be sent. If the current date/time falls outside of the Cut-off Duration no additional notifications will be sent.
  • Enable Rule: Is this enabled and should it be used to determine if notifications are sent.
  • Enable User Notifications: If the rule is enabled and should User notifications be sent?
  • Enable Phaser Notifications: If the rule is enabled and should Phaser Station Alert notifications be sent?
  • Local Unit Exception: When populated with a single unit identifier, will apply this rule when only that single Local unit has been dispatched from your organization.
  • Suppress OOJ: When Local unit Exception is populated with a single unit identifier, will suppress all notifications to that single unit when only that single Local unit has been dispatched from your organization to an 'Out of Jurisdiction' (not one of your local box areas) incident/event.
To create a default rule to send notifications for dispatch report received for all Incident Type/Sub Type codes use the following criteria:
  • Event Type:  Dispatch
  • Type Code:  *
  • Sub Type Code:  *
  • Cut-off Duration:  00:00:00
  • Enable Rule:  Yes
  • Enable User Notifications:  Yes
  • Enable Phaser Notifications:  Yes (Only applies if you subscribe to the Phaser Station Alerting Service)
  • Local Unit Exception:  (Leave Blank)
  • Suppress OOJ:  No
Click 'Save'.

Congratulations!  You have created your first Notification Rule!  Your users will now be able to subscribe to dispatch notifications.